How does a Gemini man test a woman?
I must say that this question has crossed in the mind of lots of women. Astrologically, Gemini men are known for their flirty nature and dual personality. He gets bored very quickly when being in love relationships.
So, it’s understandable if you find it hard to trust him. This guy is social, but he is private about his personal life. You really need much effort if wanting to know what is going on behind the scenes.
In today’s article, let’s find out 9 ways Gemini man test the woman he likes before getting involved in a relationship.
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9 Ways a Gemini Man Test a Woman (2023)

Give him his space
The first test, he wants to know if you respect his privacy.
As an air sign, Geminis love their freedom and independence. If you think about dating a Gemini man, then giving him space is a must. He needs to feel like he can breathe in a relationship with you.
Never try to control everything he does. Encourage him to spend more time for himself and pursue his own passions. If you can do this without jealousy or insecurity, he’ll know you’re confident and secure.
Give him space, and he knows that he can trust you.
See also: Gemini man pretends not to like you
Accept his true self
As mentioned earlier, having the dual personality, Gemini man is infamous for being two-faced. Don’t be surprised if he acts one way in one situation and then another way in the next seconds.
Many are confused and even frustrated by his dual nature; therefore, he often makes use of this to see whether or not you can accept him for who he is.
Be confident
All airy signs are confident, so it’s not surprised if Gemini man can attract the heart of most women with this quality. When it comes to love relationships, he does expect to date a confident lady as well.
Are you confident enough for him?
Remind yourself to be comfortable with who you are and self-sufficient so that you can handle all situations in life. This guy wants his partner to be someone able to take care of herself well.
Be a woman that he can count on!
Be adventurous
The last thing Geminis want in their life is the boredom. Rather than living a life in routine, they look for new and exciting things to do every day. For those who are dating a Gemini man, you may already know this – he loves to be with a woman saying “yes” to anything.
If you are the type afraid of changes or adventures, then Gemini is definitely not the right one for you.
Before committing, he wants to ensure that you are willingly to step out of your comfort zone and be spontaneous. The male Gemini hates planning things; that’s why you often find him go with the flow in most cases.
Read more: Gemini and Cancer compatibility percentage
Be loyal
Does it sound contradictory? Despite being a natural flirt, Gemini man value loyalty in a relationship. Before falling in love with someone, he’ll test to see whether or not he can trust that person.
The first thing he wants to know is how good you are at keeping secrets. He’ll tell you a secret of his and then see how long it takes before you reveal it. If you successfully pass this test, you will obtain both of his trust and commitment.
He also want to know whether or not you will betray him for someone else!
Improve your communication skills
Of all zodiac signs, Geminis are great communicators and also great listeners.That’s why you have to be good at communicating with a Gemini man. No need to be an excellent public speaker, he just wants you to express yourself clearly and be a good listener.
This guy loves deep conversations when he can talk about anything and everything with you. So, as long as you can hold your own and keep up with his quick wit whenever talking with him, you will surely win over his heart.
Be a good friend
Like Aquarius, Geminis also value their friendship greatly.
Not only as a romantic partner, Gemini man see you as his true friend who he will stick through thick and thin. Of course, he expects the same thing in return, so he often tests a woman to see if she makes a good friend at the beginning of a relationship.
As long as you form a strong friendship with the male Gemini, your future with him will be so bright.
Be mature
Do you think that you’re mature enough?
Due to their adventurous and curious nature, Gemini men are somewhat considered immature. In a committed relationship, it would be better if you can take the adult role.
He hopes his partner can be able to handle herself well in various circumstances.
You don’t have to be serious. In addition, he also tests to see if your emotions are mature enough for his relationship. Don’t be so clingy or needy, as that could make him suffocated.
Take initiative
Gemini man likes to take the lead as he is an independent sign.
That is also one of the reasons he testing a woman. This guy wants to see if she can take the initiative herself. Be active and don’t hesitate to take control when it comes to planning dates or getting whatever done.
He doesn’t need you to do everything alone; instead, he expects you to take charge if it’s necessary.
Final Words
In general, how does a Gemini man test a woman?
We already showed you 19 ways he could test you in a relationship.
When dating this guy, keep in mind that you have to be patient, understanding and accepting. To keep him stay forever, it’s a must to make him feel that you’re confident, independent, and secure about the relationship.
Do you have any experience with a Gemini man?
If so, don’t hesitate to share your story with us!
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