So, what’s the Gemini male like in bed?
Actually this question is hard to answer because Gemini is a bit different from men of other zodiac signs. To him, sex should associate with ‘public convenience’ and happen outside the bedroom frequently.
In other words, Gemini is quite adventurous during the lovemaking, not to mention that he can be a little inappropriate sometimes.
If you’re as sensual as him, then you two make a perfect match.
Learn about Gemini man in bed and figure out how compatible he and you are in the sex matters!
Table of Contents
9 Things to Know about His Sexual Habits

Most Gemini men possess a class that no one else does.
The guy born under Gemini sign is capable of observing and feeling everything while enjoying the duty in the bedroom. As a spectator, he seems to gauge situations better than those around.
Once he can sense the similar feeling from you, he will take the initiative. Keep in mind that the feel when the two of you make love is very essential and somewhat motivates your Gemini man to the core.
He is the type getting pleasure from think about sex.
Rather than action, the touch of feel is more significant to the Gemini male.
#1: He is a slow starter
He is misunderstood as a flirter and an exuberant starter.
Nevertheless, the truth is that a Gemini is prone to be soft and edgy when it comes to intimate moments. As he gets used to initial moves, this guy will soon become excited to explore the sensuality’s wilderness.
The foreplay is his specialty. Instead of going straight to the main course, he wants to arouse his lady with a degree of efficacy. He will not just satisfy his lust and walk away leaving you alone; indeed, his aim is to bring pleasure to his woman in bed.
How compatible are Gemini and Sagittarius in bed?
#2: He demands sex
Gemini man is known for his witty nature and also the capacity of understanding the nature of woman, so it’s not a big deal to captivate anyone’s heart. As his charm is irresistible, he can easily make his love interest fall in love with him.
Like most men, he will demand sex when in love.
One thing for sure: the Gemini guy can totally satisfy his love mate to the extreme. Not only the sex, but the feelings he conveys during the activity also make the lady secure and pleased.
#3: He cares more about his curiosity
As I said earlier, Gemini really considers his partner’s needs.
But, the harsh reality is that this guy focuses much on fulfilling his curiosity when referring to sex. Girls who have spent nights with him claim that Gemini man in bed is all about him most of the time.
It’s not that he doesn’t care about satisfying his partner; in fact, it’s more like his curiosity comes first. This behavior is quite opposite to his actual life in which he takes a very good care to the woman he loves.
#4: He needs music
When you two are having intimate, passionate moments in the bedroom, music is a must to Gemini man.
While others prefer sex in cozy atmosphere with dim lights, he is more into brighter atmosphere filled with fun melody. He is not the emotional type so something too hazy will dampen his soul. On the other hand, making love with him in somewhere melodious surrounding and he will appreciate.
Music will make sex perfect between you and a Gemini guy.
#5: He observes the whole situation
He may be shy at the beginning of the lovemaking activity; nonetheless, he can’t help observing the entire performance. By observing, he can figure out what he should do or which position that suit best to the situation.
The Gemini male expects the excitement in sex; therefore, you will barely see him trying a particular move for a long duration. He always comes with new experiments to bring satisfaction to both his curiosity and his partner.
With his quick wit and intellect, he never fails of take chances.
Sex experience with Gemini will be full of interesting things, because he can’t accept making anyone feel dulled around him.
#6: He prefers sex toys
This guy doesn’t want just the ordinary sex.
You must think of what truly unique in order to seduce him. To a Gemini, this activity cannot lack sex toys as those hit his erotic needs to the core. Purchase some interesting items and experience a newer paradigm with him.
The moment you ask him trying a daring sex, he will surely be turned on. Gemini man is born with a radical outlook that helps him view lovemaking in an extraordinary way compared to other individuals.
Don’t blame him!
#7: He has a problem with sexual loyalty
Talking to Gemini man, he lacks sexual loyalty – it’s understandable since naturally Gemini is not the sign of faithfulness as well. He could love you more than anyone else and promise you to the moon and the back; however, sexual infidelity is not a big deal to him.
No matter how hard you try, there will be chances he getting into the lap of other women. The reason is because he craves for new feelings; much worse, he’s not afraid of trying group sex.
Although he doesn’t force you to try something adventurous together with him, deep down he sincerely wants that to happen. If you’re not the lady of surprise, then the Gemini guy may not your perfect choice.
#8: He is bisexual
Based on his zodiac traits purely, he is bisexual which means he cares more about the feeling with that person in bed rather than their gender.
Yet, it doesn’t mean he admits this sexual preference openly.
He will admit it if there’s someone mentioning and pushing him; otherwise, he chooses to keep his mouth closed generally.
#9: He likes to talk
Believe or not, talking about wild sensual things can excite a Gemini man. Sometimes all he needs is just a sexy, unpredictable conversation with you, not physical touches.
No need to do much; simply play mess up with him verbally to keep him guessing.
Final Words
Remember that you shouldn’t take the advantage of sex to tie down Gemini man emotionally and romantically. Having sex doesn’t mean you have to love that person, says the Gemini.
So, for gals who don’t want to get involved in a committed relationship, this guy is the most ideal specimen. He is more into uncomplicated and thrilling one-night stands, and obviously there’s nothing wrong with this.
Well, don’t take this by saying Gemini man is a flirty, unfaithful person. He is capable of being one-lady man; nonetheless, it’s hard for him to maintain in one position or one venue for a long time.
If you don’t like to add naughtiness to your sex life, your Gemini partner will soon become bored.
Once he loses his interest in you, he will not stick around any longer.
There is still so much more about the Gemini male that you should learn about. The guide here will somehow help you put him under your spell in the bedroom.
For further information, leave your comment below!
Loving this it’s very helpful. Thank you. I am leo lady28. 7.1964.i see a beautiful gemini male for fun time. He is twenty eight. We are soul mates but can’t really be together. It is what it is. It’s been so good I can’t expect more.
I’m a Gemini dating a Gemini and I feeeellll wo derful. He’s so mindful of my needs and so courteous to my body. IM falling for him slowly. May th elord bless my future with him.
I am a Gemini sexually attracted to a Gemini man. I am nervous only because I usually end up with cancers and Taurus’s. Can someone help me get Him under my spell . To stay
Hi Donna,
I would say as long as your beautiful, loyal, adeventurous and drama free, you are good to go in a Gemini’s eye. Oh and keep in mind, they are witty, so they are also attracted to the intelligence of a woman. So hopefully, you know how to hold a convo.. People of status tend to turn them on as well..Please avoid arguments, Gemini’s can’t stand it lol, they’ll avoid you or cut you off if your very arguementive. They have their moments but overall, they can’t stand it..Though they can be funny and silly, they do have a diplomatic approach when conversing , so because of this, arguements can be a huge turn off for them.
So be simple, beautiful and keep them on their toes…
Hope this was helpful
I only dated one Gemini man in my life and all of this is ture I’m a virgo woman and I feel that they are complete idiot’s and a big joke however I don’t see my self have a future with a sex addict
Idk why u said that but that’s soo offensive for us Gemin man’s
I’m a sagittarius female and my Gemini man and I have a level of understanding like none other.
I dont try to change him. I know when he lies and work around it after all he understands me. We are same age, born 6 months apart. We effortlessly talk about anything and everything. He is my bestfriend
I am dating a Gemini man and I’m an Aries woman. I am absolutely in love with him. We can talk about anything or we can be silent. Our love making is like magic. He is inspiring and encouraging. I mentioned the positives.
However, all this after many years of getting to know each other and life’s ups and downs. I want to take any journey with him one day at a time.
As a Gemini the bi sexual doesnt apply to us as men
Hello Ken,
I am a Gemini born on May 22,1989 and I’m in love with a Aquarius man and we been together since 2004