Gals are always attracted by classic heart-breakers.
And, Gemini man is one of them!
He is naturally flirtatious and just enjoys fun loving affairs. Before dating a Gemini, you must keep in mind that he is not really interesting in a relationship.
Ironically, a Gemini male frequently falls in love but it’s rarely to see him involved in any long-term relationship.
In general, he is the unattached, sociable type that dislikes commitment.
One important thing you should remember is: this guy prefers the chasing. No matter how much you like him, never ever chase him or you will end up losing him.
So, how to get a Gemini man to chase you?
Let’s find out below!
Table of Contents
10 Tips to Get a Gemini Man to Chase You

#1: Be an independent woman
The first thing to attract this guy is to show him how independent you are.
As mentioned above, he hates commitment; therefore, he wants to be with someone who is self-sufficient so that he still can enjoy his freedom without being complained.
It’s fun if you can hang out together with him but don’t be clingy. Instead, you should spend times having fun with friends or on your own. He likes to feel wanted, so don’t make him feel that you cannot live without him.
Update your social media frequently to let him know you are enjoying your life.
#2: Start with the friendship
You shouldn’t show too much eagerness at first.
As this guy gets bored easily, it’s not wise if you go straight to the point so quickly. If you really like him, then you need to lengthen his attention span: try dropping a few subtle hints and pause at the right time to make him curious.
Aggressive women are not his favorite type.
I advise you to focus on becoming his friend to get to know him better so that attracting your Gemini love interest will be much easier.
#3: Evaluate his mood
One thing you may not know is Gemini man in a love relationship is quite moody; because of this, he is seen as a minefield. If you don’t want to see any of his unexpected reactions, then you must gauge his mood in every situation.
He may be intense in the present but can be excited in the next few minutes.
Make sure you can understand his mood swings before he blows you off.
#4: Challenge him
How to attract a Gemini man?
With this guy, the key is to bring up new challenges to him. During an intellectual conversation, you will surely get his attention and interest if you are able to keep him guessing.
Or, maybe you want to suggest new and fascinating things for him to try.
Don’t mind asking him to engage in fun activities that you are taking part in. When you two are together, show him that you are an adaptable person and open to positive changes.
Have you ever thought of showing him your broad knowledge?
Figure out Gemini and Sagittarius soulmates compatibility here!
As this guy is knowledgeable, talking to them is never boring. He has a great understanding for a wide range of things, so you should also keep up with him. Expand your knowledge and then show up with challenges related to a variety of things.
Successfully challenge him and he will get hooked on you.
#5: Don’t play mind games
Born with a great intuition, not surprisingly Gemini man is very sensitive and capable of telling whether or not you are telling the truth. If you want to put up an act, then do not try with this guy as he can point out immediately.
He is very loyal and expects the same from his future partner.
Once feeling cheated by anyone, he will leave without a word.
#6: Be attractive inside out
After going through some failure with a Gemini man, I’ve earned experience for myself and one of them is: upgrading your appearance. If you want to capture his attention, then you have to take care of your wardrobe and makeup.
Who doesn’t like pretty women, right?
To handle a changeable Gemini, it’s better to change your hairstyle, makeover, and taste for fashion frequently.
The key is to keep his interest for you!
#7: Be mysterious
In order to get a Gemini man to chase you, the key is to be unpredictable and mysterious. His attention will immediately fall on you as soon as he feels that you have an air of mystery around. As he likes to be surprised, he cannot resist anyone with a twist personality.
If you want to grab his attention, remember not to spill everything about your life as there will be nothing for him to learn about you. Be a bit unpredictable and play the hard-to-get game with him. It’s okay to disappear from him, but don’t leave for too long or he will look for someone else.
Instead of replying immediately, make him wait for your calls or text messages.
#8: Always be spontaneous
Will a Gemini man chase you if you are spontaneous?
The answer is absolutely yes! Indeed, he loves to be with someone who is spontaneous in any aspect of life. Try doing something impulsively, like suddenly kiss him in the public. He seems to be surprised at first but also loves it.
Because of that, you don’t need to prepare or set up everything beforehand. Sometimes it’s good to let things happen and go with the flow. What is meant to happen will happen; thus, don’t discuss about plan with your Gemini as he hates that.
Also, please never beat around the bush – this guy is always straight to the point and says no to all kinds of games and dramas. If you have anything in mind, just talk to him directly.
#9: Shower him with positive energy
Whether a Gemini man treats you as a friend or not, you will definitely have his attention if displaying a great source of positive energy around him. He wants to be with someone who is easygoing and full of happiness.
What can be better than spending time with a partner who also enjoys doing exciting things as much as he does, the Gemini male believes.
On the other hand, he is afraid of being with toxic people – those spread only the negativity. He never wants to get involved in any intense argument; therefore, don’t create any drama whenever you’re next to a Gemini.
#10: Listen to him attentively
Before getting this guy to chase you, make sure you give him enough attention at first.
Similar to Leo, Gemini also craves for spotlight. In love, he expects to be showered in your attention and will provide his in return. Once both of you engage in a deep, serious conversation, you should show how attentive you are by listening to things he talks about.
As he likes to talk about things he loves, all you need to do is to remember each small detail and then surprise him in special occasions.
Final Words
How much a Gemini man needs to put in to make a relationship succeed?
You may think he cannot stay faithful due to his flirty nature; however, he is actually loyal once you give him an opportunity to walk into your life. He is worth investing your feelings and sentiment.
Don’t let him go or you will regret later for not asking him to stay.
The above tips have guided you on how to get a Gemini man to chase you. Remember to keep your cool when interacting with him: don’t make your eagerness for him too obvious.
Since he loves his freedom, you have to respect his need rather than nagging him all the time. See also tips to make him miss you!
If you like more information about Gemini man, make the request below.
im a taurus girl … how do i get a gemini man to love me?
…. and how can i improbe for him?
Hi dear,
If you try to make a Gemeni chase, you’ll trigger his flight mode or fight mode. He will either be direct with the woman in saying how he feels and what is she trying to do and if he is flight mode, he will dissappear, fly, without explaining. The reason is very simple when you study Gemeni man’s personality. Though they be different to each other, there are universal turn offs for Gemenis.
The reason is lack of consistency and Gemenis don’t like people who are inconsistent, because they are busy, they move fast, and if you don’t move fast and if you do not stick to your word, then you are creating uncertainty. So to try and do the chase game, which is all about being unpredictable, unreliable, not consistent with flow of communication and inconsistent in behaviour, will only make the Gemeni Man feel unsafe, that you’re not interested, or you’re about to bounce and so…he will do three things.
He will be direct with you and ask you what is up. This is a warning to you, and he is giving you time to recollect your thoughts and back off from playing these games and wants truth from you. You will say whatever and he may forgive not don’t mistake it as forgetting because this is a test. If you revert back to that behaviour, it has told him what he needs to know. This will be his fight mode before he flies away.
You have made him feel unsettling about you, and he does not feel safe with you and he feels angry. He’s moving on but he’s going to say what needs to be said.
He might say nothing at all and just like that, he’s gone. He flew, far away from you and he will not explain because he does not trust your words, he doesn’t trust whatever you say now, he has found out what he needs to know.
The chase creates toxic feelings in a Gemeni and he will decide it was you who made him feel this way and he will decide this is how it be with you in the future. He will not want it and move on.
So don’t play the chasing game. Don’t try to play games, outwit, and think you can outwit them. They will already know, and the only reason he will stay when he knows is how far you are going to go with your game before he dissappears.
I am a capricorn girl how can i make him fall for me forever?
Hi Padma,
There is one simple philosophy I follow where keeping my partner is concerned. And I believe it is the same where males or females are involved. Here are my top a few strategies:
– Know exactly what they want
– Be as specific as possible to discover it
– Always make sure you give them what they ask for
– Always give them more than what they expected but never more than what is required
First of all don’t waste ur time. He’d never love or commit to u. If u want a fwb situationship, then that’s ur guy!! Secondly, the worst thing to do is change ur beautiful self for a potential cheat who has zero feelings, is inconsistent and indecisive and has a lifelong commitment problem.
*Taurus and Gemini is the most toxic combination that can exist.
Im currently seeing a married gemini man who plays hot and cold but does a lot for me but wont open up to me im afraid to tell him my feelings for scaring him off
Hi Julie,
The only reason I can think of for not expressing your feelings is the fear of rejection. Maybe he won’t reciprocate the feeling you expected, maybe he will. You’ll never know until you find out.
Not much will happen to you immediately, you’ll move on with your life, that’s a fact. What will surely happen is every time in the future when you’ll feel bad about your life (that happens pretty often I tell you) you’ll think of the time when you had a choice. You could’ve changed your life but you got scared for a split second and decided not to do it.
Then what follows is one of the worst feelings there is, regret.
It’ll eat you up again and again till you die, maybe after that too, who knows.
Remember these words spoken by a very wise man.
“Better to die foolish than to die curious.”
Tell him, know for sure. I bet you can handle the truth what you shouldn’t bear is regret.
Good luck!
Lol is his name Brian
I am a Taurus girl and I’ve been with a tall Gemini for two years…’s a pretty crazy relationship at times, but we are best friends and I can’t get enough of him. Sometimes I wonder if I’m obsessed I tell him that I need him to help out with going grocery shopping just so that I can be around him… I know that I annoy him half to death a lot of the time (I’m working on it), but I also know he’s obsessed with me too….Sometimes I swear I want to kill him, but then I see those green eyes a couple hours later and think about our stoner adventures and I’m back to wanting to him to destroy me in the sheets
Im a cancer girl,
I was texting this guy for about 2 months. We don’t live in the same city he lives 4 hours away. At first I didn’t think much of it but he was up to come visit me for the weekend. He drove to come see me and spent the Weeknd at my place. After that the following weeknd I went to his city and met up with him before I left. I was started to catch some feelings because of the good conversations and we got physical. I felt like he was feeling the same way but my thoughts got in my head. My friends convinced me to tell him if he genuinely likes me. So I asked him “ This has been heavily on my mind and I want to know if you genuinely like me? I don’t want to waste my time if this is not going to go anywhere.” then he responded with “ I’m sorry if I’m making this difficult
I hope i can make this make sense , i like you but i don’t have strong feelings to pursue anything serious , i don’t want you to wait for me either , if we decide to link up and kick it I’m coo wit that but i don’t wanna put you in an awkward position either“ then I said “ Thank you for being honest with me. I would rather know now how you felt then keep this going and me get feelings for you and then it no go where. It just needed to know where your head was at and I understand. Have a good day :) ” and then he said “ Nah i feel you , my bad !
Hope you do too“. I didn’t respond after that because I was kinda upset he would come over to see me in person and act treat me so good and open up to me then do the same the following weekend meet my friends and texts me everyday, then when I ask him he pushes me off. I’m thinking of moving on but I’m not sure if this is a Gemini thing it’s the first Gemini guy I’ve talked too. Thoughts?
Hi dear,
If a Gemini man ignores you it’s because you don’t understand their complex personality, their needs and wants. If he demonstrated to you his interest and attraction, then he will have said what he wants and what he wants to avoid, but if you created conflict or something is preventing him to move forward with you whatever the reason being, he will now ignore you.
Some Geminis, will say directly to you what the problem is, and what they do not want and some Geminis take flight or just ignore you.
They may also ignore you if you tell them that you are so busy, problems happened and you don’t have much time, and you’ll try somehow, when it’s convienent for you to contact them which is you saying ther are important in your life. And no matter how you think he will be fine with it, you’ll find out how they got a very high standard, and will even walk away from the relationship, sex, and you because they are not going stick around. Or he’ll just ignore you.
If he’s into you, he’ll say he’ll say directly what will happen. He may say to not call him anymore, text him anymore.
He may not give a reason but you already would know the reason.
I’m a Leo and I slept with a gemini before I find that I was falling for him (his is very attractive with his knowledge and sensitivity). I tried to play it cool and not seemed to eager but recently I had to admit to him that I like more than just causally sleeping together as it was eating me up on the inside always having to guess what he was saying. He took it well, and he actually tried to initiate contact after, where I initially thought I won’t hear from him again. I try to be normal around him and text him if I have something to say and leave it when I don’t. I should just leave it like this right? if he is interested, he will reach out…? (I only found out he was a gemini recently)
Hi Josie,
Depends whether you fit in his life. A Gemini guy can very easily be interested in you, but it needs more than that. He must have the feeling that you’re worth his time and that you value him, his time and that you do not show behavior which makes him believe you are not serious. It takes more than interest to make someone chase you; otherwise all men on the street would reach out to you if they had zero respect for themselves. Men who know what they want, are interested, but see you are not the right type, and will simply ignore you. You can win his heart, but you need to reach out to him and find out what he loves in a woman such that he can respect you full-heartedly when interest turns into a relationship.
If he does not reach out to you and he does seem to flirt with you and like you; then there is something going on that distantiates the two of you; get into explore mode!
Keyword: Communication.
Everyone wants to be special; so if you are completely different from the other person in behaviour, try to find ways to bridge the differences by communication; and to find ways that both of you feel special in each other’s presence so that the chase can begin.
Does a Gemini and an Aries work?
Hi Andrea,
When Aries and Gemini come together in a love affair, they connect on a physical as well as an intellectual level. These two Signs love activity and stay optimistic even in the most trying of times. Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac usually enjoy excellent communication and a deep understanding of one another. Aries’s independent, pioneering spirit is attractive to Gemini, who also values independence. If Gemini feels that Aries is being too controlling or if Aries takes Gemini’s flirtatious nature too seriously, arguments may set the tone of the relationship. They create a good balance together: Aries wants to experience things and Gemini wants to discuss them. Together they can make all kinds of new discoveries that they might have missed alone.
Their ability to work together as a single unit. Together they can learn much more than either Sign would alone.
Can a Gemini man and Cancer women work? And how could I, the cancer, get him more committed to getting to know me etc?
Hi Drew,
Because Cancer is a negative water sign and Gemini is positive air, from the standpoint of their Sun signs, they are very different. A Cancer woman might not feel that the Gemini man is warm and fuzzy enough for her. And a Gemini man might think the Cancer woman is overly emotional — too touchy/feely. And then again, they might get along just fine since there are many other planets and a rising sign in their charts that could draw them together.
To make him want to know you better, then TALK TO HIM! Spend time with him, ask him questions about his life experiences, what are the funniest moments in his life, the saddest, the most adventursome etc. Have fun with this!
Hi i am an virgo woman,
Soon i have an date with my gemini men crush, we now talk for almost 2 weeks thru the phone because we couldn’t hang out sooner because of qauraintine but how do i get into an long term relationship with him ?
greats x
Hi Lily,
Gemini men interested in any sort of relationship with a Virgo woman are faced with one shot at bringing the right tool for the job or facing failure. A Virgo woman often expects everyone but herself to be a bastion of patience and can be pretty unforgiving to a failed attempt to win her friendship or attention. Gemini’s changeable moods and personalities are a real weakness in this venture, but his charm may be more than enough to save the day. Simply put, this match will not be an easy one, and it will push the adaptability of Gemini and determination of Virgo to its limits. If you are determined to stick it out, take heart as the hardworking Virgo woman, and the solution-seeking Gemini man will surprise all with their tenacity. The toughest matches are often the most satisfying so one should never give up on love.