Why is Gemini so hated?
Among all the zodiac signs, Gemini is the most disliked one because of their nature and personality traits. Born between May 21 and June 21, these people are outgoing, talkative, whimsical, and extremely curious. They always have lots of fun and interesting stories to share helping them get the spotlight easily, so there’s no dull moment when hanging out with a Gemini.
But, surprisingly, Gemini often is disliked by others. Every sign has a dark side with negative qualities that could make others dislike. However, it has been noticed that the majority hate the twins.
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6 Reasons Everyone Hates Gemini Mostly

As an air sign, Gemini is best known for their intelligence and active minds. Infamously symbolized by the Twins, they have a bad reputation for their two-faced and shifty characters.
See also: Gemini and Libra love at first sight
Since Gemini has ranked #1 on many hate-lists, it’s reasonable to wonder why. Here, let’s have a look at reasons why Gemini is the most hated zodiac sign, according to astrology:
1. They are always moody
We are all moody, but Gemini has a whole lot of mood swings.
A typical Gemini stereotype is incredibly moody, even if there’s nothing really happened to change or influence their mood. They are allegedly two-faced. You might think this is just a misconception and Gemini is different in the real life, but sadly, a lot of people have claimed that they found the mood swings of a Gemini is pretty accurate.
Sometimes they don’t even know exactly what’s going on with their mood. One minute Gemini is happy and excited and the next seconds they may get frustrated trying to figure out what’s wrong with their feelings. They are just nice in one moment and then become harsh with no exact reasons.
People gets so tiring playing this kind of mind game with a Gemini and it’s hard to know what they want.
2. They like to gossip
Geminis just love to gossip. Granted with a curious nature, they want to keep their ears glued to everyone’s business. If a Gemini has an eye on someone (not necessarily in a romantic way), they will surely look up for every single thing about that person. They also have a group of friends helping them update news relating to others’ lives.
As Gemini can sniff gossip, they tend to spill others’ secrets in any conversation. Be careful if you don’t want your private stuff to get revealed in front of everyone.
3. They get bored easily
Some say that they just hate the “bored-to-death” vibe of Geminis.
Consider yourself lucky if a Gemini shows their interest in things you’re saying. In fact, they just nod and listen perfunctorily. From their boring expression and behavior, you can easily tell that they are not actually listening. This is a slow-burning anxiety attack to people having conversations with them.
Besides, nothing can entertain Gemini for more than 5 minutes. As a mutable sign, they can’t help wanting to try everything; therefore, it’s hard to find things that pique their interest for a long time. Even in love relationships, Gemini gets involved in many affairs but has a problem in committing to someone.
Honestly, being restless is not their fault; it’s just them being influenced by the Twins’ characteristics making them eager to do everything.
4. Their listening skills are poor
Gemini over communicate as they are social and love to talk.
These people (not all) are not good with listening. As mentioned earlier, they cannot listen to others properly during a conversation. Since they’re easily bored and distracted, they tend to drift their attention to elsewhere while others are talking. Gemini like talking and talking, and this leads to over communication with others which sometimes ends up with a problem.
Don’t believe me? Simply ask them about what you just said and see if they can give you the correct answer. The truth is that they wouldn’t even hear you!
When chatting with a Gemini, eye contact is the key. Look straight into their eyes if you are talking about something important. If their eyes don’t fix on you, then you’re wasting your saliva.
5. They are indecisive
Gemini has a hard time making up their mind in most situations.
Flexible and changeable, these two qualities make them an indecisive person. You may think that they are intelligent, then how they couldn’t decide a simple thing? Some know exactly what they want in life and determine it right away without any hesitation. But, to a Gemini, all the options sound great, to be honest.
It’s really frustrating to get them to agree to do something. Not that they are always indecisive, but they don’t like to decide the best options among all as they enjoy everything. In a Gemini’s universe, the world is a place where both day and night can exist at the same time – unrealistic but beautiful, just like them.
6. They come up with harsh humor
Jokes are supposed to be fun and make you laugh, but Gemini humor can hurt you badly. The twins fail to see the thin line between a joke and an insult. It’s true that they have a great sense of humor and even attract others with their wits. Nevertheless, different Geminis have different styles of making jokes – some bring up their jokes in a party but they’re not funny at all; instead, they sound insulting to others.
Saying the wrong things could leave a bad impression about you, so no wonder most people dislike Gemini for this.
Be careful when using words around a Gemini because they could hurt you or turn you into the worst person for saying something inappropriate.
Final Words
So, why is Gemini so hated?
Please keep in mind that sometimes the Twins can’t control the way they act, so it’s better to take what they say with a grain of salt and observe their actions more. Pay attention to their behavior and attitude rather than seek mistakes in what they say.
In case you’re confused with how they act, I recommend you to ask them straight because Gemini is open to everything. They are easy to talk to, so don’t just let the misunderstandings or misconceptions grow inside you and become hatred towards them.
I hope this article finally gives you the answer you’ve been looking for.
I HATED THAT I am a GENIMI And that is GOSSIP! I dont gossip, I don’t have mood swings! What the Heck!
I am a Gemini and I find your post insulting. If I feel intellectually bored, you will feel in an uncomfortable zone right away. As a more mature and divorced Gemini, I still haven’t found the ideal partner. Decisions, decisions, decisions… We are very loyal in love ❤️ and friendship if you make an effort to connect with us. Hypocrite people are appalling, so our direct way of communicating often offends them.