Is it possible to make someone miss you?
Some claim that, no matter what you do, it’s not gonna happen with a male Gemini.
Characteristically, people born under Gemini are free as birds and rarely pay attention to anything for a long time. Your Gemini man could think about you for just awhile as his mind will be on to other interesting things immediately.
He is likely a different species of men – it’s definitely NOT an exaggeration.
How to make a Gemini man miss you?
Get ready as the process will be full of difficulties and challenges. However, this task is not completely impossible if you know how to it smartly. Now let’s check out some ultimate tips in the following to get a Gemini man miss you so hard.
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5 Simplest Tricks to Make Gemini Man Miss You

Making a Gemini man miss you sounds a bit tricky. Why?
Unlike men of other zodiac signs, he is a freedom lover so it’s not surprising when he doesn’t perceive things as the way he is supposed to. It’s possible to get this guy to think about you; nonetheless, you need to put much effort and be more patient if wanting to make him miss you.
Below are some tips you can try to get yourself on his mind:
#1: Be unavailable
Like Aquarius, all a Gemini guy looks for from a partner is only freedom. So, willingly provide this man his personal space if you really want to be with him for a long term.
Rather than displaying your possessiveness, you must learn to understand what your crush is thinking. Giving him space and time to do whatever he wants, and he will likely miss you whenever you are not around.
Freedom is what Gemini needs in a relationship.
You don’t have to completely leave him alone by himself. Well, I mean you have to find a smart way to stay in contact during his independence days. Try to send him one or two pictures of you or make a quick chat to remind him of your presence.
Don’t be available 24/7 – he finds it annoyed if you keep terrorizing his phone with lots of your messages. Whether he texts or calls you, never answer immediately even you are dying without him.
#2: Approach him in a subtle way
Although he is quite flirty, this guy really has a heart of stone. When it comes to people who date and love, he is undoubtedly the toughest. But as a human being, he also has an innate weakness.
Winning his heart requires your patience, devotion, and even luck.
Fascinating with everything in this life, especially mysteries, he often gets attracted by women special and unusual. Always display an air of mystery that could stir up his curiosity and he can’t help but finding you intriguing.
What to do when a Gemini man misses you?
#1: Call him on the weekends and get to know a little about him
You can also ask him a few things regarding his preferences. But, keep in mind one thing – never make a lengthy phone call. At the moment you feel he wants to talk more, confidently interrupt by saying you have to deal with an urgent work. Trust me; the Gemini male falling in love will think about you once you hand up the call.
#2: Let him be close to you
Don’t mistake this as allowing him to overpower you. Due to Gemini personality traits, he tends to dominate his partner in a relationship. Therefore, you need to stay strong and never stay under his control.
He rarely gets jealous, so don’t try to bring out his jealousy.
#3: Give time to yourself
“Does Gemini man miss me?”
If you want him to miss you, you have to give him time. How can he think about you if you keep showing up next to him; otherwise, he may get fed up with you and your relationship may end after a period of time.
This guy feels unhappy with a clingy partner.
Rather than giving him most of your time, why don’t you take care of yourself?
Remember, nothing is important than you. You cannot just ignore yourself and run after him like forever. Respect yourself, and he will automatically grow a bond with you.
What is the reaction of Gemini man once he starts missing you?
Will he start moving around you? No. Don’t expect that!
Maybe all he does is to follow you on social media. He will often follow all of your activities there. The tip here is to post lots of your pictures showing that you are doing very well without him.
Once his curiosity reaches the limit, he will instantly call to text to know your situation.
#4: Send him lovely gifts
While keeping yourself busy, a good trick to get a Gemini man to miss you is to give him gifts. Sending your Gemini a thoughtful gift once per week is how you show him that you have interest but still need to get your business done.
He likes someone who is very driven!
Let me remind you that this guy barely thinks of you because it’s not a part of his nature. So, making him missing you is quite challenging. Fortunately, you can make use of small reminders in this case – he can’t help but thinking of you immediately once seeing your gift with a loving note left at his place.
Again, missing you is the thing requiring deep emotions, and this is not what a Gemini man is good at.
#5: Display an air of mystery
Have you ever tried to remain mysterious in front of the Gemini male?
If not, then you should try this tip right away! Don’t bombard him with calls or text messages; indeed, you should give him chances to miss you. When he sends you a text, remember not to reply immediately. Make him wait until he starts feeling curious what you’re up to.
No one likes to unravel mystery as much as Gemini; thus, once you become unknown to him, he will figure out excitedly.
It’s hard for him to truly understand your need of being missed and desired, but don’t get irritated because this guy most of the time does not wear his heart on sleeves.
Final Words
Gemini man is pretty complicated to understand. Unable to read his mind, you will surely get confused or even frustrated when it comes to finding tips on how to make him miss you terribly.
For those who want to stay with him romantically, it’s important to learn about him.
Whether you’re dating or about to date this Gemini guy, you will be able to win his heart as long as you know exactly who he is.
Please note that there must be a deep connection as well as strong bond between you and your Gemini in order to get him to miss you. If he lacks emotions with you, then it’s impossible for you to be present in his mind. Unfortunately, develop a solid connection with him is not as easy as you think.
So, don’t expect it to be succeed in the first time.
I hope the information here would shed light on Gemini man partially and give you clarity of his true person whom you’re madly in love with.
If you’d like to know more about attracting a Gemini man and more tips to hold on him for a long time, keep discovering more articles in this website.
Seems like a lot of work. What does a Gemini offer to others?
Hi dear,
Gemini man shows his love in different ways and the most important one to look for is his child like side.
– He wants to make you laugh so don’t try to down his spirit when he does
– He jokes with you, so don’t take his jokes seriously, it’s all fun
– He flirts a lot with you and if he’s the confident type of Gemini, it will be bold, brash, sexualised
– He is a communicator, so be ready for him to send lots of messages and you need to reciprocate in same manner and same value, or not like a half empty cup or laziness
– He makes things for you, like videos, painting of you or things you like.
– He invests a lot of time with you. If you’re with him in same city, he will be with you a lot, talks with you a lot on phone. When he does, lavish him with attention, cuddle close to him, run your fingers on his hands. Geminis love that kind of thing and affectionate words.
– If long distance, he will text you a lot. He’s a communicator after all, so he uses a lot of words, images. When he does, don’t be complacent and take it for granted. You’d not believe how busy a Gemini is and yet he’s still communicating without you knowing he’s busy.
– He’s very savvy, knowledgeable in all the technological tools such as texting, sending files, images, emails, social media, video creation, artist and he’ll use these together to shower you with attention.
When he does, do the same or at least try. Use the technology, images, gifs, and whatever you can find to compensate your lack of creativity and skill. He will show his clumsy side, fun side, cocky side, seductive side if he trusts you and he is very, very attracted to you and is falling in love with you.
Hi Adrian
Recently Gemini male admitted he didn’t see anymore with me than what we are as don’t want to lead me on .Its been 3 years of “ friends with benefits “
The last year has been tricky with Iso and not being able to see one another and we have bickered a lot of stupid things.
Afew weeks ago I broke down on him and it was bad on my end as was over everything and things with him didn’t help that I told him I wanted to end my life etc , he was
there for me and spoke with me calmed me down , he checked up on me for afew days then went silent on me. I initiated twice and got back very little from him.
I finally asked him what was wrong and he said “ He didn’t see more with me and should stop bc i was attached “ , I said i was also after just fun etc ( inside me wants more but i won’t push ) he continued with “
I just dont want to add to the part of your life that upsets you enough to wamt to take your own life lovely
“ I dunno its a big thing hearing someone say that stuff lovely and im glad you felt comfortable tellong me i just dont wanna upset you at all“
Now i’ve spoken with gfs and they think he doesn’t want the commitment hence why he doesn’t want more but he shows signs of jealous always asking if i’m getting other male attention
There’s a lot more to this too but trying to keep short.
I suppose what i’m trying to say is Can A gemini go from saying he only wants fun for now to maybe one day wanting more . Or do gemini’s just like fun and that’s it. His been single for nearly 10 years with girls here and there having fun no one serious
Any help thanks
Hi D,
Geminis are not hard to get but are hard to keep.They are genuinely nice people and in love they demand mental stimulation and adventure of all sort. They are careless and are often famous for breaking a lot of hearts. But with Aqua they make the best ever couple because they are so naturally windy and mentally stimulating and they could do anything in the world together chatting debating watching movies together and being the most rebellion pair to take on the world together. But with other signs might not be that good. But they are witty intelligent generous and very good human beings but on a bad day they could be superficial, cunning, plotters, con-man, moody angry and rude and blunt. But then on bad days everyone else is bad! They are too good to be ignored and have many admirers bcoz of their rational or logical bent of mind.They are artistic multi talented and good with languages and words, they often win over to others with their charming ways!
Am seeing a gemini woman who be on the phone all say and when we should be spending time together I use to bother but not no more so I let do what she wants cause she have no regards for me and that is no respect but she wants to tell what to do with my life she say she love me as long as she do what she wants so I don’t put my emotions to it no I l fly now she gann have to chase me nelp pls
Hi Melanie,
Can you explain more about your situation because i can’t quite catch what you want to tell.
Thank you!
Hello, great article just started dating a Gemini man and he is such the caring romantic I have desired. Never dated Gemini before I am Scorpio and looking for long term. Information was very helpful you spoke on any additional information will be great to keep him around. Thank you
Sag woman here interested in a Gemini man. We met through mutual friends but he lives almost two hours away… I see him and his friends a lot and I am part of the friend group; his friends have also told me that he’s really interested in me. Just not sure how I should go about talking to him. Gonna be super busy for the next few weeks so I may not see him until mid-December.
How can I know for sure he’ll still be interested when I see him and our friends again? And is it okay if I text him every once in a while?
Hi dear,
When Gemeni is attracted to you:
– They flirt with you but more directly. They are brash about it and you got to be ready.
– They’ll initiate if they find you recipocrate the flirting.
– They intiatite texting
– They’d love to talk to you and want to spend time with you ask you out.
Gemeni looks for someone who can be their friend, their ally, someone they can do everything together and that’s why compatibility to them is very important.