How a Gemini man deals with a broken heart?
We all go through the heartbroken stage at some point in our lives, and each of us has a very own way to handle that pain…so does your Gemini lover.
Is he the type of person who lets his feelings eat him up until he moves on? Or, does he act like nothing happened and then cry quietly in his private space?
Many claim it is possible to bring him back!
Though the breakup may hurt him terribly at first and seems like leaving an unfadable scar on his heart, the Gemini male will be able to recover and get over with it. Positive and optimistic, he learns how to walk towards the healing path with ease.
Find out about Gemini man heartbroken in this article!
Table of Contents
Things to Know about Gemini and Breakup
How does a Gemini man act after broken up?
Top 4 things to remember:
- He’ll claim to win you back no matter what
- He’ll bring out his drama and throw the blame on you
- He then will play as a victim who’s got nobody’s care
- He will suffer secretly and take a short period for his melancholy
Like Aries, this guy tends to act like he doesn’t give a damn, even when he really does. However, according to astrology, he is superficial and has his own pride; thus, he doesn’t feel guilty at all. Instead, he more believes the core of everything lies in you (aka the one broke his heart.)
If he is no longer with you, then he will continue looking for a new partner who is more compatible to his personality and worthier to his investment.
When a Gemini Male Broke up with You…
Perhaps you’re sensing that he’s going to break it off with you or the fact that you two have been separated. Either way, take a look at the following ideas to know what it actually feels like when that situation occurs.
#1: It’s confusing at first
Before he decides to break up with you, there were many times he felt unhappy and wanted to break it off. However, he tends to put off that matter as Gemini man hates dealing with emotions. That’s why he ended up by making you get tired of him and cut off with him!
In case your Gemini lover enables to cut it off, then you’ll experience something strange and painful.
As I told you, he tries to avoid all the emotions after a breakup yet still secretly keeps you in check to see if you’re truly alright. This guy will often contact you even when everything is over between you and him.
Does Gemini man come back?
Chill out, ladies! Calling you or texting you doesn’t mean he wants to get back together; actually, it’s just his guilt.
He doesn’t want you or others think about him as a terrible boyfriend; therefore, checking on you is a way showing he cares and is not mean to you. I can understand why you feel confused with his behavior; but, keep in mind that if he does this, he just wants to ease his mind, nothing else.
#2: It’s miserable in his treatment
Put it simply, he treats you miserably.
Before both of you reach the departure point, the Gemini male will hint a couple of signals indicating his lost interest in you, such as stop calling and texting, stop answering your questions, and spend very less time with you.
In order to make himself not available to you, he’ll come up with any possible reason and excuse. This man doesn’t mind saying nasty things when he wants to break up; that explains why he deeply wishes you were the one ending the relationship. If you know the implication of his signals and cut it off firstly, he will behave like a good person.
The funniest thing is that he will try every way to reach you by phone after broke off the relationship with you. Sounds frustrated, right? Don’t fall into his guilt move – it has nothing with getting you back; indeed, this is how he eases your broken heart and how it makes him feel better.
If the Gemini is treating you this miserable way, then he doesn’t deserve your precious time and affection at all.
#3: It’s just not fair
One of the reasons a Gemini man broke up with you may be because of his ultimate crave for variety.
Due to his inconsistency, this guy usually cuts it off with his current loved one and seeks new challenges in another woman. He prefers anything but routine or staying with the same person for a long time; maybe this is the reason to ease his guilt of cheating.
In other words, he will end the relationship, go out with someone else and have fun on his own, and then get you to come back again.
You should recognize this kind of his behavior and never let him return into your life as he’s just not worth. The moment he leaves out of sudden, you can easily tell that he goes to another woman.
In Conclusion
For anyone curious about Gemini man heartbroken, please note that he is not the emotional type who will curl up in bed and cry out for days. In fact, this optimistic guy is more optimistic than you thought – he will soon find a new relationship and continue enjoying his life to the fullest.
Nothing or no one can stop him from discovering new things in this world, since he is the not person putting love as his priority.
All of the information I’ve mentioned here reveal that your Gemini boyfriend seems to be back and forth when it comes to relationships and breakups. Keep an eye out for his acts and behaviors to avoid yourself hurting from his decision.
Make sure you catch the correct signals and have serious conversations with him before he leads things onto the wrong track. Understand his personality traits and change yourself in a better way so that the two of you can head down a brighter path in love.
If he still treats you like nothing after all of your good changes, then it’s time to move on.
Lorie says
I just broke up with my gym and her boyfriend of 10 years. We have been engaged for 3 years. I finally figured out he’s full of bullshit. I’m glad this article reads the way that it does cause I’m sure we will both be fine.
Faith says
The article really help me. Two of my Gemini ex has been coming back. The now have girlfriends but won’t let me be. When I try to ask if he’s coming back for good, he’ll avoid the question and say he wants to travel and wants me to go with him. Not as his girlfriend but as old time sake. I told him I’m not ready for that.
M says
My ex is not like this at all. He is quiet and hasn’t tried coming back and neither have i, his gemini im sagittarius we broke up while still loving each other. Our break was the cause of a small silly little argument.
Caner Woman says
I just broke it off with my Gemini man for probably 5x I tried to leave… we been together off and on for 8yrs… he recently wanted marriage but he makes moment decisions then change without you even knowing it.. getting to know them your know when the change happens.. he reached out to me after a bad argument he still want to be friends I’m letting go to heal and move on… I’m a cancer woman big emotional Geminis are not at all
Cancer ♋ Rebuilding says
This whole article makes so much sense, and Cancer Woman added to it for me. I’m a cancer woman too and too emotional for my Gemini. He wants to spend family time together “as friends” AND says, “if it happens it happens” wanting sex for old times sake. I’m still very raw and Wow I wish I could what you did to move on and just go heal. Unfortunately I’m his wife and we have a 1 yr old son so I’m trying to find other ways to move on while still having to deal with him.
Ria says
This makes a lot of sense I just broke up with a Gemini after an argument his hot and cold but has always been there said he’d do anything to be with me and that he wanted to get married and start a family the next month he started treating me like his toy after I told him that his behaviour was just showing his lack of commitment and that him bringing up all these women saying I’m just as bad as all his ex’s everytime there’s an issue and mocking me about other women coz he knows it gets on my nerves I told him I’m not putting up with it and he said do whatever u want also claimed it was my fault for him being turned off coz I simply asked him a question of why he turns cold he goes to the toilet while I’m right there masturbates and ignores that I’m even there so I walked out on him don’t want nothing to do with his effortless lazy disgusting attitude. They can never be happy with one they are better just having fun n roaming everywhere no matter how old they are or how good u treat them they always get bored I don’t know how he says he lasted 10 years with one women without cheating and instead she cheated on him which I now believe was opposite considering how many different women his said he had every night