Attracting a man with Gemini zodiac sign is not really hard.
But it is even easier if you can really understand his personality traits.
What type of woman he prefers?
If you want to appeal him, first you need to be a spontaneous, independent, and social person. He finds the lady with intellect and an open mind is captivating. However, as he gets bored easily, it’s better if you can try new things frequently.
Once you have his attention, you already reach halfway.
He is the guy who will treat you the center of his world once his eyes have set on you. Isn’t it sweet?
What are signs Gemini man attracted you?
If you want to know how to attract a Gemini man, then continue reading.
Table of Contents
Top 12 Signs Gemini Man Attracted You

1. Be determined
Based on his zodiac nature, the male Gemini is impulsive. In all aspects, he wants everything to be done spontaneously and quickly. Don’t hesitate or make him wait for too long; otherwise, he will run away.
Remember, this guy is not the patient type which means he doesn’t like to wait. Thus, if you have special feelings for him, instantly approach and invite him a cup of coffee.
Give him a subtle sign showing your interest and leave the chase for him.
2. Let things happen naturally
As I just mentioned above, your Gemini love interest enjoy things spontaneous. So, when you want to hang out with him, just ask him. Not need to prepare or plan anything as he doesn’t like it.
He feels annoyed if being asked to scheme for something; rather, he prefers to follow the flow.
What’s meant to be happened will happen!
3. Be mysterious
How to flirt with a Gemini man successfully?
Typically, his attention will automatically draw to women who are unpredictable. He believes that a person with an air of mystery is really charming.
Find out how a Gemini looks like with a click!
When attracting him, keep in mind that he likes to be surprised. A lady with a twist personality will easily make him fall hard.
4. Give him the attention he needs
Of course Gemini has a huge love for fame and enjoys getting attention. Therefore, you must give him the attention first before you want to receive his. Once he feels like you are really devoted, he then will make his move of chasing you.
As he loves to talk, you can try engaging him in a long, in-depth conversation. He would love to discuss about things he interests in with you. If you want to communicate with him, you must widen your knowledge.
Listen to things he says attentively and you will gain his attention.
5. Be easygoing and positive
Born with a bright personality, Gemini man believes he can become more positive if being surrounded with happy individuals. This is what he also expects from his future partner.
This guy feels comfortable when being close with happy and easygoing people. He finds it very exciting to be with someone who shares the same interests as he does.
6. Always get ready for new things
Will there be chances a Gemini man think about you if you’re not around?
If you look for a shy, quiet man to be your lover, Gemini is not the best option – he is actually the person of attention and parties. Friendly, sociable, and laid-back, he has a wide social circle.
You may be an introverted, timid person; nonetheless, you must try to open up as much as possible when being with him. He is impressed with the woman who is always up for new challenge and doesn’t mind exploring new things.
Show your eagerness for his attention.
7. Be straightforward
Did I tell you the male Gemini hates someone who keeps beating around the bush?
Another key to attract him is – you must be straight to the point. Rather than playing games or doing anything that could drain his energy, you should be outspoken you’re your thoughts.
Simply say what you want.
If you miss him, want to meet him, or are interested in him, just let him know.
8. Ask questions about himself
When a Gemini man is secretly in love, he is pleased to share a little things of him with his loved one. The issue here is – you must know the limit. Don’t ask or dig into something too personal as he doesn’t like that.
Instead, you can try asking about his preferences or discussing topics he is into generally to know about his opinions.
9. Show him your intelligence
Why a Gemini man prefers an intellectual woman, it’s because he is knowledgeable.
The truth is – he has much knowledge about a wide range of things; thus, that explains why you never feel dulled when talking with him. Guess what? He also expects the same thing from his ideal partner. Since he is interested in a lot of things, he wants you to be able to keep up with him most of the time.
10. Be a party diva
We all know that your Gemini has a big love for parties and partying.
If you want to be with this social guy, then you must get ready to paint the town red almost every day or at least every weekend. He would love to pair up with someone who also loves partying and making friends with people just like him.
Show your wild side and you’ll get his appreciation.
11. Keep him guessing
You should let him know your feelings for him in a direct way as soon as possible.
However, other than that you don’t have to reveal everything about you in one day. The key to remain his interest for you is to make Gemini man feels like he can never get to the core of your true self.
Always keep him guessing!
Whatever you do or say, you need to be unpredictable and mysterious. Gemini man will get excited in the bedroom if you can keep an air of mystery also. Don’t display any lack of imagination and adventure or he will soon become bored with the lovemaking.
12. Laugh a lot
As expected from Gemini man, he has a great sense of humor and is known as a witty, attractive person. Due to his bright personality, you’ll never find people with negative energy surrounding him.
When it comes to looking for a love partner, he is into women who can exude cheer, optimism, and happiness. If you are a sunny disposed person, you are totally his ideal type.
He is hugely attracted to the lady who is capable of making him laugh and always cheerful when being next to him.
Can you be happy around him all the time?
Attracting a Gemini man is never easy because you must come up with new things every time (foods, people, friends, ideas, etc.) But, dating him can help you follow any dream you want as he respects your privacy a lot.
Overall, those tips above are some simple yet unpredictable ways to attract a Gemini man and get him to chase you. Not all the tricks work; yet, you need to make it successful in you own way.
Gemini man makes an ideal lover; that’s why conquering his heart is worth trying.
Once you enable to gain his attention, the high chance is that he could stay with you for a long term.
Hello, I’m an Aries women-starting to fall for a Gemini man.
We’ve been fwb for a little while now. It’s kind of a weird friendship, actually. I’ve stated that I’ve slowly been catching feelings but he said he’s not ready. Which is totally fine. When we hang out he always makes future plans (ex. Going to the farmers market with our dogs). He seems to always contact me when he’s drunk as well.
Is it normal for Gemini men to be super cuddly and want to hold hands-but state that they’re not ready to date? Is there anything I can do to hook him in?
Hi Jordan,
If you are looking for a relationship, and based on the phrasing of your question, I have to start with the answer of “you can’t make anyone else feel something for you”. We can not control what others feel.
You CAN work to give the best chance at catching his attention, and seeing if from there he finds you interesting.
Don’t come on strong or talk about deep commitments and such until after you are dating. Most men get a bit nervous (we will call it that :) ) with women whom want commitment too fast, or talk about it too soon.
Talk with him, and listen to the answers, try to understand what he enjoys. (Many men are not fond of long talks, so this may require patience). This does not mean take up his interests that you don’t enjoy, but to be able to know what he likes and understand it, gives him more of a way to relate to you, which will bring some closeness.
I guess he hasn’t confirmed it that he have feelings or not. You know that we first come totally to our decision and than say the partner that we love them. So give him some time and I guess everything will be fine
I’m a Capricorn and I want to attract my Gemini crush more,although we’re still friends but want us to be more because he’s such a gentleman.
Hi Grace,
Good attraction and intimacy, the challenge is communication, if they work on the same it will make their bond stronger, if it is arrange marriage get horoscopes checked it will give insight if you will be supportive because sun sign wise it’s low compatibility but can be worked upon as marriage is a gamble, a horoscope check can tell you if you will both cooperate.
Hi I’m Aura
I’ve been dating a gemini guy for 2 years now but everything has changed, he now wants to be left alone and he even left me in the relationship!
What can I do
Hi Aura,
This may be a hard pill to swallow.
If you were dating a guy who left you, then definitely it may leave you questioning yourself or what went wrong with the relationship. It could have been a difference in personalities, values, or a lack of a healthy foundation. Ultimately, it may have been a variety of factors that caused the breakup. Somehow, along the way, something made him realize that you weren’t a good match so he called it quits.
There’s no way to know the exact reason. One way to approach it is to leave it evolve on its own and see where it takes you. Sometimes we can’t speed up things and we just have to calm down and wait to let things happen. Either way trust in yourself going forwards regardless of the outcome.
I have been chatting with a gemini man for 6 months but we haven’t met. It’s because of Covid, he does have high concern and I understand. But as of now, we all got vaccine and he’s been going out with his friend but never think to hang out with me. But he would text me everyday. I like him but I don’t want to push things to much and I am sure he could sense I do like him. I may be misunderstand something or he was just joking in the chat. I am a very open up person, I share with him my thoughts and he did share with me because of his family problem so he’s current very stuck with everything. He’s also very busy at work , working at night shift. I don’t want to push him to meet me but I feel very sad when he said he was going out with his friends but not me. According to the article above, If I am interesting in him, I should make move ask him out, but I think If he’s interesting to get to know me more, he will want to meet me. I don’t want to keep ask him when do you have time? I don’t want to pressure him but I feel so confused and unhappy. Sometime there are lots of thing I want to tell him but he didn’t even want to talk to me over the phone, he accidentally called me and he would hang up, this happened couple times. Does he just want to chat with me forever as online friend and we can’t even become real friend in life?
Hi Apple,
About him not wanting to meet you…I’m sorry to say but this can mean many things. He’s could be shy, afraid he’ll disappoint you with his looks and height. He might have no interest in meeting because he’s in a relationship with someone else and you would disrupt his domestic life. He might be a straight up catfish who doesn’t want to get caught. Or you could just be an amusing person he’s content only knowing from afar. If he was your boyfriend, he’d want to see you, he’d want to be near you as soon as possible. The fact that he isn’t interested, says he isn’t as into this relationship as you are. Either way it’s unfortunate. I say move onto someone who is better.
Hey I am a Gemini and I met a Gemini man by chance and he asked me for my phone number and he called me almost daily, but I was a little reserved until he asked to celebrate my birthday and I said that I was busy and now he does not call or send any messages at all, but when I send him he replies and today I asked him to go out together and he agreed He just said he was busy and was trying to find time sooo do you think we have hope
Hi Azza,
Gemenis with Gemeni can become deeply in love with each other but what you need to remember is this..
Gemeni is about energy and when energy collide it’s difficult.
A Gemeni with a Gemeni can work really well but you may both become restless and argumentative, because you both love your mental freedom and yet at the same time you both desire attention as well from each other.
If you want to get along with each other, try to communicate with each other without the games, by learning about each others needs, wants, desires, kinks, goals and purpose.
Come to an understanding that you are both on each others side and learn to help each other, and not take the debates you have with each other whether flirty, fun or intellectual debates as personal and serious.
Try when you both communicate to say things that compliments each other, try to say before hand, that what you’re saying isn’t a judgement but you love that part of the Gemeni you are with and you just want to share your side.
If you learn to communicate together in a way that has more compassion and not about winning a debate, you’ll get along.
And if you help each other in satisfying the thirst for knowledge, passion, sexual desires, lust, without jealousy, and just be on same side, that you both want to live a free mental freedom life and life is an adventure, so why not both help each other to make each others desires, goals and dreams too, you’ll get along much better.
Give each other space but also, text each other, don’t stop, just text saying how you are, and show affection until you are back to same vibe again.
It’s energy.
This is why others cannot get along with Gemeni for too long because they are trying to use their energy that is dark, low, negative and Gemeni doesn’t want that because they want fun, loving, and moment they feel that darkness or any push or pull, they want to fly and have space.
So learn about each others energy, learn when it happens, learn what to do when it does happen, look at how you both have a solution, and words to say, to let each other know you feel this at this moment in time, and you’ll find you’ll be best lovers many will have ever met.
Gemeni’s deeply are looking for love, for soul mates, someone compatible and compatibility is an attitude.
If you can work together to see you both see world same way, similar attitude, you’ll find your relationship will blossom and grow to amazing heights.