Gals are always attracted by classic heart-breakers.
And, Gemini man is one of them!
He is naturally flirtatious and just enjoys fun loving affairs. Before dating a Gemini, you must keep in mind that he is not really interesting in a relationship.
Ironically, a Gemini male frequently falls in love but it’s rarely to see him involved in any long-term relationship.
In general, he is the unattached, sociable type that dislikes commitment.
One important thing you should remember is: this guy prefers the chasing. No matter how much you like him, never ever chase him or you will end up losing him.
So, how to get a Gemini man to chase you?
Let’s find out below!
Table of Contents
10 Tips to Get a Gemini Man to Chase You

#1: Be an independent woman
The first thing to attract this guy is to show him how independent you are.
As mentioned above, he hates commitment; therefore, he wants to be with someone who is self-sufficient so that he still can enjoy his freedom without being complained.
It’s fun if you can hang out together with him but don’t be clingy. Instead, you should spend times having fun with friends or on your own. He likes to feel wanted, so don’t make him feel that you cannot live without him.
Update your social media frequently to let him know you are enjoying your life.
#2: Start with the friendship
You shouldn’t show too much eagerness at first.
As this guy gets bored easily, it’s not wise if you go straight to the point so quickly. If you really like him, then you need to lengthen his attention span: try dropping a few subtle hints and pause at the right time to make him curious.
Aggressive women are not his favorite type.
I advise you to focus on becoming his friend to get to know him better so that attracting your Gemini love interest will be much easier.
#3: Evaluate his mood
One thing you may not know is Gemini man in a love relationship is quite moody; because of this, he is seen as a minefield. If you don’t want to see any of his unexpected reactions, then you must gauge his mood in every situation.
He may be intense in the present but can be excited in the next few minutes.
Make sure you can understand his mood swings before he blows you off.
#4: Challenge him
How to attract a Gemini man?
With this guy, the key is to bring up new challenges to him. During an intellectual conversation, you will surely get his attention and interest if you are able to keep him guessing.
Or, maybe you want to suggest new and fascinating things for him to try.
Don’t mind asking him to engage in fun activities that you are taking part in. When you two are together, show him that you are an adaptable person and open to positive changes.
Have you ever thought of showing him your broad knowledge?
Figure out Gemini and Sagittarius soulmates compatibility here!
As this guy is knowledgeable, talking to them is never boring. He has a great understanding for a wide range of things, so you should also keep up with him. Expand your knowledge and then show up with challenges related to a variety of things.
Successfully challenge him and he will get hooked on you.
#5: Don’t play mind games
Born with a great intuition, not surprisingly Gemini man is very sensitive and capable of telling whether or not you are telling the truth. If you want to put up an act, then do not try with this guy as he can point out immediately.
He is very loyal and expects the same from his future partner.
Once feeling cheated by anyone, he will leave without a word.
#6: Be attractive inside out
After going through some failure with a Gemini man, I’ve earned experience for myself and one of them is: upgrading your appearance. If you want to capture his attention, then you have to take care of your wardrobe and makeup.
Who doesn’t like pretty women, right?
To handle a changeable Gemini, it’s better to change your hairstyle, makeover, and taste for fashion frequently.
The key is to keep his interest for you!
#7: Be mysterious
In order to get a Gemini man to chase you, the key is to be unpredictable and mysterious. His attention will immediately fall on you as soon as he feels that you have an air of mystery around. As he likes to be surprised, he cannot resist anyone with a twist personality.
If you want to grab his attention, remember not to spill everything about your life as there will be nothing for him to learn about you. Be a bit unpredictable and play the hard-to-get game with him. It’s okay to disappear from him, but don’t leave for too long or he will look for someone else.
Instead of replying immediately, make him wait for your calls or text messages.
#8: Always be spontaneous
Will a Gemini man chase you if you are spontaneous?
The answer is absolutely yes! Indeed, he loves to be with someone who is spontaneous in any aspect of life. Try doing something impulsively, like suddenly kiss him in the public. He seems to be surprised at first but also loves it.
Because of that, you don’t need to prepare or set up everything beforehand. Sometimes it’s good to let things happen and go with the flow. What is meant to happen will happen; thus, don’t discuss about plan with your Gemini as he hates that.
Also, please never beat around the bush – this guy is always straight to the point and says no to all kinds of games and dramas. If you have anything in mind, just talk to him directly.
#9: Shower him with positive energy
Whether a Gemini man treats you as a friend or not, you will definitely have his attention if displaying a great source of positive energy around him. He wants to be with someone who is easygoing and full of happiness.
What can be better than spending time with a partner who also enjoys doing exciting things as much as he does, the Gemini male believes.
On the other hand, he is afraid of being with toxic people – those spread only the negativity. He never wants to get involved in any intense argument; therefore, don’t create any drama whenever you’re next to a Gemini.
#10: Listen to him attentively
Before getting this guy to chase you, make sure you give him enough attention at first.
Similar to Leo, Gemini also craves for spotlight. In love, he expects to be showered in your attention and will provide his in return. Once both of you engage in a deep, serious conversation, you should show how attentive you are by listening to things he talks about.
As he likes to talk about things he loves, all you need to do is to remember each small detail and then surprise him in special occasions.
Final Words
How much a Gemini man needs to put in to make a relationship succeed?
You may think he cannot stay faithful due to his flirty nature; however, he is actually loyal once you give him an opportunity to walk into your life. He is worth investing your feelings and sentiment.
Don’t let him go or you will regret later for not asking him to stay.
The above tips have guided you on how to get a Gemini man to chase you. Remember to keep your cool when interacting with him: don’t make your eagerness for him too obvious.
Since he loves his freedom, you have to respect his need rather than nagging him all the time. See also tips to make him miss you!
If you like more information about Gemini man, make the request below.
What about Sagittarius and Gemini. I was hanging out with a Gemini for a month and it was intense. We both were feeling each other and got intimate. After that things changed and he said something changed and he felt like he did something wrong and he didn’t like that feeling. He asked for time and now will not communicate with me. I asked for closure by asking what was it that rally turned him off and if I should just move on and he only responded that he would answer me but has not so far.
Hi Lynette,
Gemini and Sagittarius are polarities, and opposites definitely attract but that doesn’t mean they’re a good match. I think it could make quite a nice business pairing, but in romantic and even platonic relationships, there can be a lot of conflict. But on the bright side, they are opposite to each other that what makes them to attract each other. Gemini are jolly, fun loving, talkative, romantic people. They want love as much as like food every day. Sagittarius is moody, lot of mood swings but down to earth, strong belief in religion, very knowledgeable, education freak.
Hello, I’m a Leo who is with a Gemini man. The sex is amazing. We are supposed to be friends with benefits with no feelings involved. But I believe feelings are starting to get involved. I know it is with me, but sometimes he’s showing it with him. Sometimes, he’s really feeling me, but sometimes he ignores me. Advice for me on how do I know if he is feeling me? How do I tell him I’m feeling him without scaring him way? How do I get him to be with me and be forever in my life
Hi Linett,
Gemini is a sign very easily distracted.
Gemini man knows many people in passing. But if he is interested, he does research and takes the time to learn about you.
1/ So if he’s focused on you, especially in a room full of stimulation, he’s interested. He won’t break eye contact or leave the conversation.
Also in terms of being easily distracted, when a conversation seems to have died off, he will continue it. Asking you question after question. Getting to know you, and also asking your opinion. Rather than seeking out the next best thing…
If he likes you, he actually listens to you. If you’re speaking in front of a group, watch how he behaves when someone else has taken the floor, versus when you have taken the floor. He may look up and not look around or down. I’ll be the first to mention that he can be incredible pretenders, much of the time to not hurt anyone’s feeling…if he is all ears and engaged 100% with you, you know…
He will seek you out of a crowd. He will flirt, but he flirt with most people. Many people won’t hold his attention for long, nor disrupt our flow. He may chat and laugh with someone on the way to the break room, then he goes his separate ways. If he wants you, he’ll laugh, flirt, and ask you if you’d like to join him. If he thinks you’re interesting he will text you. He is communicators. He will often have a lot to say (hence this answer), so if you find that he sends you long texts into any hours of the night. View your messages and respond back with thought, and clarity no matter the hour – he’s interested.
2/ You can let him feel your feelings through actions. Be observant but not creepy. There is a fine line between the two. Read the unspoken, his gestures, his reactions + his friends’ reactions, his emotions toward you and the hints you’ve dropped over time. Don’t get too excited that you forget to analyze his side of story – whether he is ever interested in you? Because you never want to make a fool of yourself by being too biased in your own mind. Perhaps, speaking to some of your friends would help.
Being too vocal at the very beginning without a clear understanding/thorough analysis of the situation will easily compromise your chance and even scare people away, especially if he is your crush.
3/ You actually can’t but you can have a good go at making that happen. It will have a better chance if you both keep fit, show each other love and care while maintaining a great sense of fun. Keep on stoking the magic kit to keeps yourselves healthy and happy sharing a lot of loving. Nurture each other and have fun doing so. That will be a great deposit on longevity for the relationship with Gemini man.
Hey I am a Aquarius that is seeing a Gemini but he tends to be hot and cold and I question my self if I m the only one that misses him or doesn’t he want to see him ,but too keep myself safe I keep my distance and Hardly talk to him answer is calls sometimes but when we meet it’s very intense even the copulation is Passionate to the extreme
So I m lost on what to do because I want him to myself
Hi Jess,
It sounds like he has mixed feelings. He might need some time to decide what he wants. If he’s still like that after a few weeks, I’d suggest moving on.
I am not saying that you forget him or ignore him, just try to talk to him one more time. If he react normally then tell him you like him as a friend and want to be one. But if he shows attitude or act weird like you said then tell him it would be great if you two can know each other and can be friends and stop looking at him after that. If he is also interested in you then he will approach you by himself or if he was just playing with you then he will not talk to you. Just make sure that don’t make a fool of yourself by following him like a puppy.
Hope this will help.
I am a scorpio and he is a gemini. I am having a super hard time understanding his mood swings and his trust issues. We love each other so much but all this is starting to eat me up.
Hi Nina,
Do not let yourself to be dragged in his mood swings. Tell yourself “this is temporary, after few hours he will calm down and then we will talk”. In meantime do what you ever do. Choose this option if YOU are the reason of the mood swing. That is, if you make him sad. Do not argue, you will make it even worse. Change his mood to previous one. Which is really easy to do if you know what makes other person happy or unhappy (don’t know why would you choose to make unhappy, but anyway…).
Set down the ground rules for honesty and openness between you and him. Build trust by keeping your word and fulfilling your commitments. Say what you mean and mean what you say. But if you do all that and it doesn’t help, then you might want to think about backing off for now. Trust is a two-way street. You cannot have a stable relationship when one partner is constantly looking out for the other to trip and fall. It will undermine everything and cast doubt over all your actions. It takes courage to get up and be vulnerable again, but it’s worth it when the right person comes along.
I am a libra female and I have a gemini male who has been chasing me for years, 6+years. I’ve now given him a chance and I can’t get enough of him. I don’t know how to figure out what this is or what he wants. But I want him for a very long time and i don’t know what to do. How do I know that now that he got his chance he will keep me or let himself be kept? We text each other constantly but we see each other randomly because of work and school and his job. The fact we haven’t even had a deep conversation yet but he is already irresistible makes me very intrigued.