The law of attraction for getting an ex back is one of the topics that many people are interested in. Each of us could have several love affairs – despite being separated, sometimes it’s hard to completely forget your ex.
In today’s article, let’s delve into no contact rule Gemini man and see if you can find your lost love.
Honestly, it’s important to put a good amount of thought into taking the initiative the no contact rule with this guy. Tricky and frustrating, he will probably vanish like a ghost if you do it wrong.
Time to learn details!
Table of Contents
What is No Contact Rule Gemini Man?

If you succeed with the no contact rule, the highest chance is that Gemini man will surely get back to you. But, how does it work?
FYI, the no contact rule with Gemini man is all about avoiding making any contact with the Gemini male after a breakup. It’s actually better to initiate the no contact rule, and the reasons behind are because:
- You want to get over him.
- You want to fix things so that both can get back together.
See also: When Gemini pretends not to like you…
Once you decide to do the no contact rule, it means that you will free up a lot of time. If so, use the extra time to focus on yourself. Try doing different activities or things you have always wanted to do but did not have chances.
Keep in mind that it’s much harder to use this no contact rule if your relationship connection with him was deeper and stronger before. I do understand that, so here I have some ideas to help you with this…
1. Uninstall all social media apps
Well, it would be a hard thing to do, especially if you’re the type interested a lot in social media. But, if you want the no contact rule to work, removing those apps from your phone is a must.
Without social media, you don’t have to overthink or stress out when seeing the new updates from your Gemini ex. Sometimes, even his friends’ posts can make you over-analyze; therefore, it’s better to have a peace of mind.
Try to take a social media detox!
2. Not spend much time on phone
Aside from removing social media apps, it’s also a good way if you spend less time on your phone.
By staying away from the phone, you can stop yourself from the urge of texting or talking to your Gemini man. Besides, it also helps you focus on other aspects in life, not only the online world.
The further you distance yourself from social media, the more peaceful you will obtain.
3. Focus on yourself
The best tip of no contact rule is focusing on yourself and engaging in fun activities.
Gemini man is the social and outgoing type, so freedom is very important to him. He likes to have his private space as well, and he expects the same when dating with you. Don’t always give him 100% of your attention, or he will get bored.
If you want to get back to this guy, one of the best things to do is to search for some exciting activities that you haven’t gotten to try. Or, on a serious not, you may want to concentrate on your ultimate goals.
This is the perfect time to accomplish unfinished projects!
Read more: Gemini man with Sagittarius woman
4. Change your belief
Usually when we think of our ex, we’re usually curious about what they are doing, who they are with at the moment, and whether they are hanging out.
The reason is that the human brain often prioritizes negative things over positive things. So, the universe will send negative signals to you, making your relationship with the Gemini man have cracks as time passes.
In short, it’s better to change your thought in a way that is more beneficial to yourself, such as they must be thinking about me, they truly loves me, etc.
Eliminating the negativity in yourself has a great effect making the law of attraction succeed easily. Stop yourself from being swallowed by anger, hatred, jealousy, doubt, disappointment with your Gemini ex.
If these thoughts sneak in your mind, quickly shake them off by chanting: "Stop thinking, stop!"
Then you can return to a composed state!
5. Show your love to others
After removing the negative feelings, especially about the ex, you need to increase the love vibration or attraction.
Here are 3 ways to consider:
- Love yourself first
- Shower your love to the people around, like parents, friends, etc.
- Feel the love from others in return
When the Gemini male sees your kindness, he can’t help but wanting to get back to you and love you more.
How Long Should It Last?
Talking about the no contact rule with a Gemini man, it indeed has no specific time.
Put it simply, there is no set amount of time.; here, we can only offer you the estimated numbers to check:
- If it works fast, it only takes you 2 weeks.
- In case it takes a long time to work, then you need at least 6 weeks.
From what I’ve seen, actually there is a variety of time frames when it comes to the no contact rule in general. At the same time, tell yourself that it not always works. Be well prepared for a completely different scenario, like he might not come back at all.
That’s all for the no contact rule Gemini man!
When it comes to the no contact rule and a Gemini man, it requires a lot of work and effort. Don’t be too available to him and he might contact you, but keep in mind that perhaps he will move on. No one ever said that love is easy, but the result will be more than worth it. At the end of the day, trust your intuition and do things you think that it’s the best for you.
Hope the info in this article can help you win over the love of your life once again. You have to have faith and patience, then it will succeed.
Good luck!
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