Have you ever felt confused when someone likes you, but they give you mixed signals making you not know what’s going on?
That usually happens with a Gemini man!
There are people who will be frank and let you know how they feel about you. However, some do not like to open up their feelings so soon and sometimes their behaviors can become extremely confusing and frustrated.
In today’s article, let’s have a look at signs he pretending not to like you and see if your Gemini is really interested in you.
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How to Know a Gemini Man is Pretending Not to Like You?

There are a number of reasons why Gemini man pretends not to like you even though he is interested and attracted to you. He may be nervous and unsure of how you feel about them. It could be because he is trying to suppress his feelings, or he may not have the need to get involved in a relationship as they are not ready.
With the reputation of being picky and strict in every aspect including love, Gemini man often makes people around frustrated. But, if you are the person that Gemini loves, he will do everything just to see you happy and comfortable.
Here is a list of signs Gemini likes you but always tries to pretend not to show their feelings:
See also: Is a Gemini compatible with a Scorpio?
1. Being hot and cold toward you
Being with someone who is hot and cold is probably something we’ve all gone through, right? There are moments when they will text you all day and then, they will completely ignore you, disappearing without any word. This action will definitely make you wonder if Gemini likes you or you’re just thinking too much.
When someone often plays hot and cold around you, they may like you a lot. However, they could feel uncertain about what they want and scared about their feelings toward you. Therefore, this way – being hot and cold – allows them not to explain their behaviors or when they accidentally show too much affection.
2. Remembering all details about you
A Gemini likes you will notice and remember every detail about you.
As we all know, humans are very selective when it comes to processing and remembering information. If you find them paying attention to every detail about you or taking what you’ve mentioned before (whether it’s important or completely random) into account, you can be sure they truly have special feelings for you.
Typical Geminis have a desire to learn more about the person they like, but they just don’t want you to know about it fast.
3. Being curious about everything
Gemini man is well-known for his curious nature, and he is more curious about your personal things.
Aside from paying attention and remembering every detail about you, they want to know everything related to you. Your answers will help them update your profile in their mind immediately. They will never miss any chances to question about your growing progress or how your day going.
If a person doesn’t like you, they won’t spend so much time learning about you as it makes no sense.
Read more: Gemini reactions when being rejected
4. Showing positive body language
Do they always sit next to you when the two of you are together?
Have you noticed them making eye contact with you for a long time, pointing their feet toward you, or leaning over when talking to you?
We’re not talking about acting like your best friend, so patting your back or touching your arm is not counted. His body language if being interested in you has to be more affectionate, flirtier and full of emotions. Just some small gestures but can leave powerful effects on you.
Positive body language is a common sign telling a Gemini like you.
He may pretend that he doesn’t like you at all verbally, but in the end his body language will reflect all the truth.
5. Making time for you
One of the most obvious ways to tell if a Gemini man likes you is the amount of time he spends with you. Honestly, time is the most valuable asset of every human being, especially to guys born under this sign, and no one will use time for someone whom they don’t like.
Do you agree?
If he always makes time to hang out with you or is available whenever you call, it shows that he really likes and cares about you.
6. His friends keeping a distance from you
When going out with Gemini and their friends, you can clearly notice that those friends always keep a certain distance from you.
In this case, it is very likely that the guy has told his close friends about you and also expressed his feelings to them. Creating this awareness is a way to keep his friends from acting "unintentionally" with you.
7. Teasing you
He often teases you when being around you.
Last but not least, no one will joke or tease the two of you if there’s nothing between you both, because that will surely bring misunderstandings. So when this happens, you knew for sure it has been on his mind and he has been thinking about you and him being together seriously.
"It’s hard to pretend to love someone when you don’t, but it’s even harder to pretend that you don’t love someone when you really do."
Now you can understand it better about signs he pretending not to like you, but the truth is he does. You should start observing a Gemini from now on and see if he displays these behaviors towards you. During that testing period, I hope you’ll be patient and give him the space he needs to process his thoughts.
Maybe it’s good for him to realize how much he likes you.
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