Which zodiac sign is the craziest?
All of us are human beings, so it’s okay to be a little crazy.
No one can stop you from showing your wild side to the world. But, did you know that 12 zodiac signs have different levels of craziness? Some know when to draw the line, while some can be crazier than others.
Don’t worry if you’re at the top of the list. Well, crazy can be fun, so are you curious about how crazy you are?
Discover now…!
Table of Contents
5 Craziest Zodiac Signs That You Didn’t Expect

1. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
The #1 spot in the list is none other than Gemini. Yup, the Twins are unsurprisingly the craziest in the zodiac. This is an unpredictable sign, so no wonder Gemini natives are interesting and funny. They can go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds before anyone knows exactly what’s going on.
It’s really a real challenge to deal with Geminis due to their craziness and unpredictability. Some describe them as a chameleon that constantly changes their colors to fit in with the environment’s changes because this sign is also well known for their dual personality.
See also: Which sign is compatible with Gemini?
This sign tends to stir up gossip to keep things exciting, and this often causes conflicts between them and others.
The crazy percentage: 90%
2. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius is a sign that won’t follow the crowd.
People born under this sign don’t feel the need of following any other’s rules, even their own. No one can dictate them to do or not to do anything but themselves. They are independent individuals and rarely affected by anybody’s words.
Aquarians are also social butterflies and like to live their life to the fullest. No matter what is coming their way, they will confront them willingly. Even if the results are not what they expected, they won’t regret because at least they did enjoy the moment.
These people are not only super crazy but also proud of that fact!
They love having loads of fun. Guess how they will react if someone come and challenge them? Well, surprisingly, they become even crazier. They usually seek opportunities where they can be as crazy as possible.
The crazy percentage: 85%
3. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The next zodiac sign in this list is, of course, Sagittarius!
They are some of the funniest people on the planet. Well, I mean who can resist their “super-wild” side, right? You will never find any dull moment when being around a Sagittarius as they love making people laugh with their wit and craziness.
In fact, they’re very good at pleasing others. Their sense of humor is a kind of talent making them a star in all parties. If you’re thinking about whom you should bring along to a fun event, don’t hesitate to pick a Sagittarian friend.
Together with Gemini, Sagittarius is another expert in embracing changes. Therefore, many often say these two are the unpredictable pair. Instead of routines, plans and schedules, they are more into spontaneity.
The Archer wants to keep people guessing. Just when you think you’ve got them, they come with something unexpected.
The crazy percentage: 70%
4. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries is a competitive sign, so their hobby is doing things that can challenge them to the extreme level. People born under this zodiac sign are adventurous people who can’t help but always searching for new things – something risky that they’ve never tried and that gives them a rush of adrenaline.
One thing you should know about Aries is that they have a bit of a temper.
This means they are like ticking bombs that can explode anytime. You would never know when exactly they could throw tantrum and get angry. However, the Ram also has a softer side and inhibition allowing them to go crazy when they really let go off things.
Let’s laugh along with all of his crazy jokes!
The crazy percentage: 60%
5. Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
To your surprise, the last one is Scorpio!
Many often thought that Scorpio is a cold and distant sign. But, that’s just the beginning; in fact, Scorpio natives also have a wild side. They may take a period of time to know you. Once getting comfortable, they won’t hesitate to bring their wild and crazy side on display.
Astrologically, the Scorpio sign is known for its intuition, empathy, and sensitiveness; however, not many realize that their craziness also co-exists with other personalities. What makes them crazy? This could be the side effect of their naturally rebellious nature.
The crazy percentage: 50% (but quite dangerous)
Read more: How compatible are Gemini and Scorpio?
How Crazy is Gemini When Facing Their Ex?
Wondering how Gemini deals with their ex when they seem unable to move on together?
Gemini’s emotions only get worse after the breakup because they don’t know what to do with themselves. This is not because they still love you (or maybe they do), but because they’ve depended on you for so long. They can’t just let go of all their feelings for you without a reason.
Maybe they are hesitating!
They don’t want to spend the rest of their life without the person whom they used to love before. Gemini is the crazy ex type due to their dual personality. One second ago, they still love you, but the next second they want to maintain the friendship, and the next day they might send you a long text explaining they could be bothering you.
Sadly, what they say sounds reasonable at the moment.
In general, which zodiac sign is the craziest?
Like I said from the beginning, everyone has a little crazy in them and even a wild side. While some tend to hide it in public, there are still a few signs not afraid to bring their craziness on the table. You already know who they are via this article!
Whether you’re a Gemini or any crazy sign mentioned above, keep in mind that you have no problem in cutting loose when you need to.
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