What to do when a Gemini woman ignores you?
Known as the Twins, Gemini is the friendliest sign among all in the zodiac. With the element of air, this is the third sign. Women having Gemini sign in the birth chart are sociable, adventurous, creative, outgoing, and eager for new experiences. She wants to live her life to the fullest and is never into routines.
Once a Gemini woman ignores you, it’s probably because you’ve done something bothering or hurting her. You may push her over the edge making this lady has no other option but to give you silent treatment.
Let’s find out some common reasons why she pays no attention to you.
Table of Contents
4 Reasons a Gemini Female Ignores You…

1. She is heartbroken
Despite being happy and enthusiastic most of the time, the Gemini female is emotional indeed. She doesn’t get hurt easily; however, she won’t hide it if you play with her feelings. This lady won’t hold back – very expressive, her emotional pains will be brought on the surface obviously.
Nevertheless, don’t be surprised if she stays silent to you. Gemini woman prefers to keep the issue to herself instead of solving it directly with you. Independent and full of positive thoughts, she will come up with solutions for the problem on her own.
Life still continues and nothing can stop her living her life to the fullest.
See tips to attract a Gemini woman with a click!
2. She is a busy person
Due to Gemini personality traits, she is a hardworking, dedicate individual.
She won’t mind staying up for three consecutive nights to accomplish all works for her project. In case this woman ignores you, don’t quickly conclude anything. Perhaps she is just busy with all the tasks and has no intention to create this misunderstanding.
Tell her beforehand when you know she is busy dealing with many schedules, and she will try to spare her time for you. Don’t force her to meet you because Gemini doesn’t like to be controlled.
She is a supportive lover who will never forget the significant of her family, partner, and friends. Life is real and cruel, so please show your empathy to her as she already gave the same thing to you in the beginning.
Let’s see if you are the best match for Gemini woman!
3. She doesn’t have you in her heart
When a Gemini woman ignores you, maybe it’s because she has no interest in you in general. Though she is social on the outside, she is not the type that would open up her personal matters to everyone. When it comes to giving trust to someone, this gal is selective.
She will never tell you her problems if her heart feels nothing towards you.
As an emotional creature, the Gemini female falls in love hard and barely ignores anyone as frequent. Nonetheless, the moment she turns you down, it could be a sign she has no passion or emotion romantically for you.
If you don’t ask, then she will keep it to herself.
4. She doesn’t like an inquisitive guy
We all know Gemini-born natives are talkative. They love conversations having detailed and descriptive information because they can learn from those. If you want to impress this person, choose a topic reflecting some actual meaning to life.
The thing is that you shouldn’t be inquisitive about a specific subject that your Gemini woman doesn’t want to mention at all. If you feel her expressions change negatively, it’s a good idea to change the topic.
Don’t force her to talk because that issue may hurt her the moment she talks about it; otherwise, she will ignore you immediately. For this to be resolved, you need to be more calm and collected. Whether it’s a friendship or a relationship, she doesn’t want anyone to curious or focus much on her personal problems.
Give her time and she will reveal all by herself!
Discover signs a Gemini woman may like you with a click…
A Gemini Woman Takes a Long Time to Respond
Now take a notice and see if the conversations between you and Gemini woman are in the slow pace. When she is ignoring you or pulling away, it takes her a long time to answer your questions or reply your text messages.
However, not all cases of her taking a long time to respond are because she ignores you. Don’t quickly jump to any conclusions!
Sometimes she may pay much focus on other things or have a conversation with someone else, and those could distract the Gemini female from responding to your talk at the same time. Or perhaps she has no idea about how to answer you because she is uncertain with her thoughts.
In other cases, she is just too shy or confused.
Overall, if your Gemini partner needs a long time to get back to the conversation with you, then the possibility is that she may be either concerned or annoyed with you.
Wrap up
What to do when a Gemini woman ignores you?
This lady is passionate, caring and willing to do anything to please her partner. In return, she expects you to pay attention to her emotions. She is obvious yet subtle at the same time – you can tell that she is annoyed with you by her facial expressions and attitudes, but she refuses to say it out.
You must be considerate about her to figure it out. If your Gemini woman ignores you, then please approach her in a kind and calm way. Don’t be too intense as she is an emotional person.
Give her time to be alone to reload everything; no need to worry because she will open up about what is on her mind when she’s ready. In case you hurt her, then she will let you explain yourself. During the conversation, please be attentive to what she said as it’s a rare opportunity to get the Gemini female to forgive you.
Have you been with a Gemini woman before?
Talk to me your experiences involved her in the comments below!
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A Gemini women !!
If I ignore you
you ……
hurt my feelings or was harsh intentionally
Ignored me i on played games (again hurt my feelings)
Asked to many fuccin questions about things I did not want to talk about
Was negative and condescending AF
I’ve been dating a Gemini woman for a year now
and our relationship has hit a tough patch.
She complains that I talk to much or act nervous at times. How can I get us back on track again with seeming possessive or needy.
Hi Sabastian,
Here is what I think about this kind of a rut:
The first change BOTH of you need to make, is that you need to recognize the importance of validating your partner’s feelings even when you disagree. Nobody wants to be told that their feeling or needs are meaningless or be criticized for them. It makes them defensive and shuts down communication. What that means for the other partner, is that they don’t want to hear what YOU have to say either.
The second part of this dilemma is that unless each of you can self-evaluate, all you will do is blame. I am not a fan of the thinking that it always takes two to have a fight. Sometimes, there REALLY IS only one person at fault. But with the exception of abuse and addiction, its pretty rare.
Finally, I have learned though many years of marriage and many relationships that its a big mistake to wait for the other person to change before you do. Don’t get it into your head that “if she wont stop_______ the why should I _______.” Don’t withhold love and trust waiting for perfection. I know how hard it is to give someone the benefit of the doubt when the same problems are being recycled and you have been let down— but you MUST. Nothing is more of a discouragement than someone trying to please their partner, and their partner stands aloof just waiting for them to screw up so they can say “SEE? I knew it! You always do this”… For effective and sustainable change, you must each identify what needs to change, and BOTH SIMULTANEOUSLY make those changes in yourself, and afford the other the benefit of the doubt that they love you and they are trying. And they will make mistakes.
If you truly don’t believe they love you and are trying, then your relationship is already over.
The mother of my daughter is a Gemini woman, she lives in a different country then I’m leaving in.
She ignores me & she’s the only form of communication between my daughter and I.
She can’t forgive me because I moved on, but prior to this choice I’ve made known that it will be difficult to raise a daughter with both parents in two different countries with occasional trips planned and she was adamant on raising our daughter.
& now i have to always run after her to see my daughter or I get ignored and when I get FaceTime video calls she tells me she doesn’t want to see my face she’s tired, she has other things to do, this is just a small fragment of what happens and sincerely need advice on how to approach her without having to feel like I have to chase her lick her a** or make it feel like I’m a burden to her or any sort of inconvenience.
I have been in a relationship with a Gemini woman for 5 months now. Even though the majority of our relationship has been long distance, she already visited me 3 times and I visited her 1 time, due to taking care of my mother with dementia. When we first started talking we connected immediately. We would talk on the phone everyday, and for long hours about everything. We even planned for us to get married, have children, etc. Even though she lives 2,000 miles away, we planned that she would move in with me, and get a job where I live. But the past month, we both have been really busy, and we’re still trying to stick to the plan for her to move here in the next month. I know she has been stressed to move out from her place, and her job. Now that she’s has moved out of her place and back to her mothers for the month, everything turned around. As it’s getting closer for her to move here where I live, now it seems like she changed her mind, and she’s not talking to me anymore, and she wants time to think about things, and feels she can’t be in a relationship right now. The last thing she told me was she feels lost and just wants to be by herself. I feel hurt, and lost. And I’m always thinking about what happened? And I don’t know what to do. The only thing I can do, is give her time to think about what she wants to do. I am deeply in love with her, and I am committed to be with her. When I tried to call her, she doesn’t answer and she won’t text me back. Do I just give her space until she’s ready to talk to me?
Hi Rudi,
That depends on the girl. Let her decide. Wait until she contacts you.
If you are acting needy or too available, girls become uninterested quickly. If your attention is too easy to get, you risk being walked on. You are teaching her how you want her to treat you by what you will allow and put up with.
If any of the above is true, then the balance of power is not even and needs to be corrected.
Don’t chase her. If you don’t chase, she won’t run. Make her seek out your attention. Stop answering her every call. Make yourself unavailable by doing other things and involve lots of people. Do not explain or offer details on where you have been unless she chases an answer.
Requesting space usually means feeling smothered.
Im a Twin and i ignore a person that was part of our life before is because
-you hurt us and were trying to move on
– your lack of interest in communicating irritates us
– we are like mirrors, we reflect your behavior that seems disrespectful.
-were not that interested anymore.
-a message that doesnt need a reply